Closing 2016

As 2016 is drawing to close and like most people I am reflecting on the year of 2016 and it has been interesting one to say the least.  I will say that I can very close to my overall goal of 1800 miles in a year but, will end up missing it about 50 miles and I’m ok with that because I never thought I would be able to do that many miles in a year.  The first half of the year, I completed another marathon and my first ultra marathon, which I would recommend that everyone should try to do an ultra marathon once in their lifetime because it is such a humbling experience.  I helped a friend complete another half marathon but, it was first one post baby.  I coached a friend up to first half marathon and she did amazing job.

I have said on multi times that life is a journey, which is this year it has taken me on many twists and turns.  The journey this year and has shown me that we weren’t actually done having children even though, we thought were done after we had a 3rd child back in 2010.   As well as learning that I need to stop putting things that I want on the back burner.

Back the end of 2015, my husband and I thought it would be funny to put on our status on Facebook that we were walking into 2016 single.  Well, during 2016 we were introduce the law of attraction, which basically says that whatever we put into our universe (good or bad) will come about when it is time and needless to say that my husband and I almost walked out of 2016 being single because we put in the universe for it happen.  While, neither one of us realize it at the time of how powerful the law of attraction could be, it didn’t stop us from being that idea in our universe.  Yeah, definitely not a good idea because once somethin is your universe it will find it way to come true, if that’s what you truly want.   I do find the law of attraction a very interesting thing because I have put into my universe many times to run a sub 4 hour marathon with no success but, it isn’t that I can’t physically run a sub 4 hour marathon.  I have concluded that mentally I have blocked myself from running a sub 4 hour marathon because I have no other goal after I achieve it.  So, while I put it in my universe that I would like the sub 4 hour marathon, I don’t truly believe that I deserve it, which is why I haven’t achieved it yet.

That’s why this year, I’m going to try to work on enjoy my running journey more and accept that I do deserve it.  I will stop putting things that I want on the back burner because in that sense when I’m happy the rest of my family is happy.  I don’t know exactly what 2017 will hold for my life, family, and me as whole but, I’m very looking forward to it because I’m embracing the journey.

Here to 2017 :)!

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